Our commitment to the Together with Tenants charter
Our customers are central to everything we do at One Vision Housing, as we strive to build a better future for our thriving, inclusive communities by creating opportunities and changing lives.

Together with Tenants
To further our positive relationship with customers, we are proud to be early adopters of the Together with Tenants charter and are committed to the National Housing Federation seven key themes.
We treat all customers with respect across all interactions, with relationships based on openness, honesty, and transparency.
We send customers clear, accessible, and timely information on the issues that matter, including:
- important information about homes and the local community
- how the organisation is working to address problems
- how the organisation is run
- information about performance on key issues
We seek and value the views of our customers and use this information to inform our decisions. We are committed to ensuring every customer feels listened to about the issues that matter to them most and can speak without fear.
We work in partnership with our customers to scrutinise our services and shape the delivery of affordable and quality homes.
We are committed to ensuring our homes are good quality, well maintained, safe and well managed.
We provide customers with simple and accessible routes to provide feedback, raise issues, make complaints, and seek redress. We are committed to ensuring our customers receive timely advice and support when things go wrong.
We are fully committed to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.
We will continue to promote a positive culture of valuing and celebrating diversity and accepting and including people regardless of their personal characteristics or circumstances.
Whatever your background, you can expect to be treated fairly, with respect and free from discrimination.
How are we meeting these commitments?
1. Relationships
We build meaningful relationships and trust with our customers who are all treated with respect across every interaction they have with One Vision Housing.
2. Communication
Effective communication is a high priority and customers have several communication channels available to engage with us, including:
- website
- social media
- SMS text message
- telephone
- online customer portal, My Account
Our website is updated regularly with relevant information for customers. For example, window cleaning schedules are shared with customers who live in high-rise buildings via a bespoke website page.
Following incidents of fly-tipping and bogus callers, SMS text messages are sent to those in relevant postcodes. Emails and letters may also be sent if incidents are reoccurring.
We create a customer newsletter InVision, to communicate key messages. In addition to performance updates, an annual report about the organisation’s performance is published.
3. Voice and influence
We provide our customers with plenty of opportunities to get involved and help to shape, influence, and improve the services we deliver.
We understand that customers may wish to be involved in different ways, that’s why we offer a variety of opportunities for customers to get involved in shaping and influencing our services.
Members of our Customer Voice Group are involved in the creation of a number of documents produced by One Vision Housing, for example the customer newsletter, InVision, and Annual Reports. Customer feedback is utilised to make improvements to these documents. Policies and letters are also reviewed by customers.
An online survey has been added to One Vision Housing’s website, providing customers with an opportunity to provide feedback with an option to include contact details or be anonymous.
Customer satisfaction surveys are sent out following services, with a STAR (Survey of Tenants and Residents) conducted to obtain in depth feedback annually.
Scrutiny Team
This Scrutiny Team is made up of customers and involves scrutinising and examining One Vision Housing’s services to ensure all customers are getting the best service. They also play an important role by contributing towards major decisions and are integral to the development of the business. They have key involvement in reviewing One Vision Housing’s Complaints Process and conduct reviews twice a year.
Service Review Group
Service Review Group (SRG) look in detail at One Vision Housing to help us shape, influence and improve the services we deliver. The SRG has approximately 10 to 12 members who meet every three months to talk about how we are performing and how we can improve across:
- Repairs and maintenance (day-to-day and voids)
- Compliance and specialist maintenance (communal cleaning, grounds maintenance, gas safety, home improvements, and aids and adaptations)
- Customers and neighbourhoods (community safety, customer access, income management, neighbourhood services and independent living)
Tenant Inspectors
Tenant Inspectors can be called in to inspect and review any area of the business that might need looking at and make recommendations on how to improve it. They work on a voluntary basis and provide our customer’s perspective on how One Vision Housing performs, what works well and what could be improved.
High-rise Building Safety Group
The group’s aim is to establish and grow customer engagement around aspects of living in high-rise buildings, alongside building and fire safety. One Vision Housing work closely with the group to keep buildings safe. Customers are also involved in decision making, as well as methods selected to communicate safety information.
4. Accountability
Customers regularly scrutinise our Complaints Process and help One Vision Housing make improvements.
5. Quality
In line with the Government’s Decent Homes Standard, we are proud of our good quality homes that are maintained to a high standard, safe and well managed.
Our surveys help us monitor the quality of our homes and services, property inspections also take place in between tenancies.
6. When things go wrong
Sometimes things don’t go to plan, and our services may fall below expectations. Our customer’s feedback is invaluable and helps us to focus our efforts on things that matter most.
Our Complaints Process is clearly outlined to new customers and is available on our website. The website clearly outlines complaints, feedback, and appeals. Information on the Housing Ombudsman Service is also detailed.
7. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
We are fully committed to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. We will continue to promote a positive culture of valuing and celebrating diversity and accepting and including people regardless of their personal characteristics or circumstances. Whatever your background, you can expect to be treated fairly, with respect and free from discrimination