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Our Social Value

What do we mean by Social Value?

Social Value is the term used to describe the additional value created in the delivery of a service contract which has a wider community or public benefit.

For example, One Vision Housing could fund a youth club which encourages children to develop friendships, join a sports team and be able play safely. This may create additional social value by promoting volunteering opportunities, improving health or reducing anti social behaviour and low level crime in the area.

How does One Vision Housing measure Social Value?

We use the HACT (Housing Association Charitable Trust) Social Value Calculator as it is a straightforward way of attaching cash values to social activities that are traditionally more difficult to quantify. To validate our application of the social value toolkit, we undertook a certification process with HACT, to check we had applied it correctly.

Social Value generated in 2022/2023

This certification process has shown that we have generated over £28 million pound of social value for the 2022/23 year.

Full details of each activity which contributed to the figure above can be found by following the link below.

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This page was last updated on 08/08/2023