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HomeHome IconCustomer SupportVolunteer at our Community Gardens

Volunteer at our Community Gardens

One Vision Housing has Community Gardens in many parts of Sefton, including: Ford Lane Community Garden, the garden between Hinton St and Lawler St and Netherton Community Garden.

The Gardens are managed by local organisations such as Feelgood Factory and B 4 Biodiversity who work with local schools, volunteers and other community groups to convert unused and unsightly derelict land into functional gardens, where local residents can grow their own healthy fruit and vegetables.

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We are always looking for volunteers to get involved at our Community Gardens, so if you are interested in gardening, or would just like the opportunity to spend time outdoors and meet new people, please contact us on 0300 365 1111 or email enquiries@ovh.org.uk.

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This page was last updated on 25/09/2019