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Our Complaints Report

We continually monitor our complaints performance in order to make it easier for you to make a complaint and to improve our response to your complaints.

You can see how we have performed by looking at our Quarterly Complaints reports below. These reports cover a wide range of services in detail, and information about other forms of feedback, such as compliments from our customers.

This page is updated every three months, so please visit again to see the latest version.

Please find our Annual Complaints Performance here: OVH Complaints Year-end Report. Our Board’s response to the report will be provided in July 2024.

Feedback is important to us as it helps to shape our services. Customers are encouraged to share their compliments, suggestions and complaints via our customer feedback page. 

In April 2024, the Housing Ombudsman released a new Complaint Handling Code to enable us to resolve complaints raised by our residents quickly and to use the learning from complaints to drive service improvements.

We are fully compliant with the new code and are committed to providing an annual self-assessment, to ensure we remain compliant, enabling a positive complaint handling and improvement culture across the organisation. This self-assessment is reported to our Board members and is also available for customers. Our Board’s response to the self-assessment will be provided in July 2024.

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This page was last updated on 28/06/2024