Customer Voice Newsletter – December 2024
Published: 4/12/2024
We’re excited to share the latest news from One Vision Housing’s Customer Voice team, and upcoming opportunities for you to get involved and share your feedback.
We are also thrilled to introduce a new way to stay up to date with the latest news from the One Vision Housing Customer Voice team.
Now, you can listen to our latest updates, learn how to get involved, and how to share your valuable feedback. Our audio newsletter is designed to be accessible to all, whether you are visually impaired or simply prefer a hands-free experience. This offers a convenient and accessible way to stay informed.
Listen below:
Upcoming Customer Voice meetings
- Service Review Group – Monday 9 December, 12.30 - 3.30pm
Review performance figures and provide feedback on areas you think we can improve on.
Location: Brunswick Youth & Community Centre – 104 Marsh Lane, Bootle- Hot Topic Group – Assets & Repairs – Tuesday 10 December, 12 - 4pm
Find out more about our assets and repairs service and provide suggestions on how you think we can improve.
Location: Brunswick Youth & Community Centre – 104 Marsh Lane, Bootle- Scrutiny Review Meeting - Tuesday 17 December - 12 - 2pm
A scrutiny review provides customers with an opportunity to delve deep into housing matters which they may be concerned about or areas where they feel there is room for improvement.
Contact: To find out more on how you can get involved with scrutiny, contact the Customer Voice Team.
You’re invited to our Christmas celebration!
As a valued member of Customer Voice, we’re thrilled to invite you to join us at our Customer Voice Christmas Party, where we’ll have the chance to thank you for being such an important part of our team.
Thur 12 December / 12pm – 3pm
Location: – Netherton Park Neighbourhood Centre, Chester Ave, Netherton L30 1QW
As our guest, you will enjoy:
· A delicious two-course Christmas meal
· Live entertainment to get us in the holiday spirit
· A chance to win exciting raffle prizes
The event is completely free – our gift to you! To help us make all the arrangements, please complete our short form here to register your attendance.
We are only able to offer transportation for guests with accessibility requirements. Please contact us to find out more.
Complaints, compliments & suggestions
We value customer feedback as a vital tool for improvement. By listening to our customers’ concerns and suggestions, we can identify areas where we need to improve and make changes to enhance the overall experience. We want to make it easy for customers to share their feedback, whether it’s a complaint, suggestion, or compliment. By doing so, we can continue to provide high-quality housing and support services.
If you have a complaint, compliment or suggestion, visit our website here to let us know. Alternatively, contact us on 0300 365 1111 or email
Kirkstone Road’s litter problem gets a new solution
One Vision Housing have joined forces with Sefton Council to address the ongoing issue of fly-tipping and littering in Kirkstone Road North, Litherland. The area has long struggled with illegal dumping of waste, primarily due to the curb side bin bag collection system.
In response, One Vision Housing’s Customer Voice and Neighbourhoods Teams carried out a door-knocking exercise to find out how customers felt about the fly-tipping and what they wanted to see done as a solution to the increasing problem.
As a result, One Vision Housing and Sefton Council carefully planned and implemented a new bin store behind the apartment block. This solution will replace the curb side bin bag collection, aiming to significantly reduce fly-tipping and improve the overall appearance of the area.
Report fly-tipping
- If you see someone improperly disposing of rubbish, you can report them confidentially by calling us at 0300 365 1111.
- Sefton Council offers a bulky waste collection service. You can book a collection for three large items at £14 with an average wait time of around 10 days. Call 0345 140 0845 or visit Bulky item collections for more information and a full list of acceptable items.
Low-Rise Living Group
We’re still recruiting for our low-rise living group, so if you live in a flat and want to chat, let us know. Meetings will either be in person or virtually every few months and will give you the opportunity to chat about all things low-rise living. We’ll discuss a variety of topics from communal safety and grounds maintenance to anti-social behaviour and more. Don’t miss your chance to be heard!
Southport Veterans Remembrance service
We proudly supported Southport Veterans in their Remembrance Day commemorations held at the historic Altcar Training Camp.
On 7th November, over 85 people gathered to pay tribute to those who bravely served our country. Dozens of veterans took part in a march through the square at Altcar, which was a powerful visual reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have defended our nation.
Following the march, guests enjoyed live music and refreshments sponsored by One Vision Housing, a two-time Gold Armed Forces Covenant recipient. The event provided a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together and honour those who have served. It was a chance to reflect on the past, remember the fallen, and express gratitude to those who continue to protect our freedoms.
Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week
Organised by community safety experts, Resolve, Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week was supported by HM Government, the Civil Service, Police and Fire forces across the country, Historic England, and thousands of housing providers, local authorities and community groups.
During the course of the week, our teams engaged with residents through various activities including community safety workshops. We worked to empower residents to report anti-social behaviour and create safe spaces for sharing experiences. By collaborating with local partners and organising community action days we have helped to create a positive shift in our neighbourhoods, promoting safer and friendlier living environments.
Visit our website here to find out more about our initiatives during Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week 2024.
Community Hero Award
During Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week, owe proudly launch our Community Hero Award. This award recognises individuals who make a significant positive impact on their community.
Pat Cooper, a dedicated volunteer, was selected as the first worthy winner. Pat has selflessly spent countless hours cleaning up local areas and volunteering at the food bank. Her commitment to her community is truly inspiring.
Find out more about our Community Hero Award here.
Compliments, suggestions & complaints
We value customer feedback as a vital tool for improvement. By listening to our customers’ concerns and suggestions, we can identify areas for improvements to enhance the overall experience. We want to make it easy for customers to share their feedback, whether it’s a compliment, suggestion or a complaint. . By doing so, we can continue to provide high-quality housing and support services.
If you have a compliment, suggestion or a complaint, visit our website to let us know. Alternatively, contact us on 0300 365 1111 or email
Don’t miss out on your free membership benefits with Tpas!
Tpas are England’s leading tenant engagement experts. We are long-standing members of Tpas as we believe that engaging and involving our customers will help us find solutions to improve services, ensure value for money and bring lasting change to communities.
Tpas offer a range of training opportunities and regional networking events and as our customer you can attend for free!
Register your details today via the Tpas website and get the latest housing involvement news straight to your inbox. Visit the Tpas website here to find out more
Upcoming neighbourhood drop-in sessions
If you have a tenancy related queries and want to speak to a member of our Neighbourhood Services Team in person, then please feel free to visit one of our drop-in sessions for assistance. Whether you need to chat to someone about your rent account, ASB, or you just need to report a repair, we’re here to help.
- Seacombe Children's Centre
Seacombe Children's Centre, St Paul's Rd, Wallasey CH44 7AN
First Tuesday of Each Month 11am – 2pm
- Halle's Hub
Halle's Hub, 43 Ford Ln, Ford, Litherland, Liverpool L21 0HG
First Wednesday of each month 11am – 2pm- Woodvale Community Centre
Woodvale Community Centre, Meadow Ln, Southport PR8 3RS
First Thursday of each month 12pm – 3pm
Upcoming Days of Action
Our Neighbourhoods team will be carrying out Days of Action in communities across the Liverpool City Region to help tackle anti-social behaviour and improve the local environment. Contact us to find out more on how you can get involved.
Our next day of action will take please on Tuesday 21 January at Captains Lane, Litherland.
Customer Voice – Star of the Month!
Ken Williams has been part of our Customer Voice Group for many years and has been voted as Vice-Chair of the Scrutiny Panel having previously worked in office administration and accountancy. Ken joined the Customer Voice Group as he liked the idea of being involved. He is passionate about ensuring all our customer voices are heard and encourages anyone who has an interest in housing and wants to help make improvements to get involved. Ken believes that being involved with the Customer Voice Group helps tenants and gives them the opportunity learn more about One Vision Housing and the services they offer.
Thanks so much for being a valuable part of the team, Ken!
If you’re interested in becoming an involved customer, reach out to a member of our team today for more details and to stay up to date with the latest news and engagement opportunities.