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The Better Social Housing Review | 5

Recommendation 5

Housing associations should work with all tenants to ensure that they have a voice and influence at every level of decision making across the organisation, through both voluntary and paid roles.


What One Vision Housing has done to date so far




  • Customer Voice Strategy

    We have a robust Customer Voice Strategy approved by board, that continues to build on our recent successes in engaging customers and tailoring services to individual needs. We’re committed to using customer data intelligently to support tenancy sustainability, provide targeted support, and maximise the impact of our investment program.

    We offer accessible opportunities for customers to shape our services overall and in areas of specific interest. We want our customers to know their voices matter. Every interaction, no matter how small, is a valuable learning opportunity. By listening to our engaged customers, we’ve realised shared aspirations and goals. We look forward to continued collaboration to achieve these objectives together.

  • New dedicated team

    To ensure we continue to provide excellent services to our customers and so we can fulfil all of customer voice promises and expectations, we have recently reorganised our staffing structure to bring together in one team, several roles that are key to gathering and understanding customer intelligence, these include:

    • Complaints Co-ordinator
    • Quality and Assurance Co-ordinator
    • Customer Voice Co-ordinator
    • Outbound Survey Assistants
    • Customer Intelligence Assistant
    • Customer Experience Manager
    • Customer Experience Apprentice

    The Customer Experience Team led by the Head of Customer & Business Transformation and reporting directly to the Managing Director for Housing produce triangulated intelligence reports that can be used to identify areas for service improvement and provide assurance to Customers and the Board. Through the work of the Customer Experience Team and the collective effort with all our staff and customers we continue to deliver a number of improvements to our Customers Experience.

  • Improved communication

    To ensure there is an effective and regular dialogue between the Scrutiny Team and the Board a series of regular meetings have been scheduled between the Chair of the OVH Board and the Chair of the Scrutiny Team.

The Better Social Housing Review

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The Social Housing Review is an initiative aimed at improving the quality of social housing, ensuring it provides safe, comfortable, and supportive homes for all residents.

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This page was last updated on 18/12/2024