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Your tenancy agreement explained

A tenancy agreement is a written agreement and legal document between you and your landlord outlining rights and responsibilities.


Below we have provided some FAQs which you may find useful:

  • What rights do I have as a joint tenant?

    When you sign a joint tenancy agreement with another person or group of people, you have the same rights and obligations as each other.

    You are jointly and individually responsible for any:

    • Rent arrears caused by any of the joint tenants
    • Damage caused by any of the tenants or their visitors

    If one of you wants to leave and gives the landlord notice to end the agreement, it may end the agreement for everyone.

  • What is a starter tenancy?

    If you haven’t had a tenancy with us before you will sign up as a starter tenant. This is a trial period and we are able to evict you more easily if you don’t follow the terms of your agreement. If there are no issues at the end of the trial period you will convert to an assured tenancy.

    If you have had a tenancy with us before and are transferring you may sign up as an assured tenancy straight away.

    Please read your document in full and make sure you understand it. If you have any questions please ask your Neighbourhood Services Officer. If you need further advice you can speak to Citizen Advice Bureau, a solicitor or housing advice centre.

  • Rent
    • We charge rent weekly in advance on a Monday
    • Your agreement shows you your weekly rent inclusive of any service charges
    • Every year you will get a rent notification letter which will inform you of any changes to your rent and service charges
    • If you have any non-payment weeks we will tell you this in the rent notification letter
    • It is your responsibility to pay you rent in advance – you can do this by Direct Debit, payment card at pay zones, over the phone or via My Account
    • If for any reason you are unable to pay your rent you must inform us of any change in circumstances and there may be ways in which we can support you.
  • Repairs
    • This section of the tenancy agreement shows you what repairs we are responsible for in your home, you should make yourself familiar with this information
    • At the time of the sign up we agree to make sure the property is fit for human habitation
    • You must allow us access to carry out repairs
    • We are not responsible for infestations
    • We are not responsible for provision of bins
    • To report repairs please do this through My Account or by calling us on 0300 365 1111.
  • Your responsibilities
    • This section of your tenancy agreement goes through all of your responsibilities, it is important you read this in full to make sure you keep to the terms of your agreement
    • You must use your home as your main and principal home
    • You must keep the property clean and tidy and decorated to a reasonable standard
    • You must give us access to your home if we have given reasonable notice – we will give you at least 24 hours notice unless it is an emergency
    • During the starter period you must gain written permission to make any changes or improvements
    • There are specific rules for living in sheltered accommodation and low and high rise flats – you should read these in full.
  • Living in the community
    • This section is very important and it applies to you, members of your household and visitors to your home.
    • As a tenant you are responsible for:
      • Your behaviour
      • The behaviour of anyone living with you, including children
      • Visitors to your home, including children
      • Any pets belonging to you or other people living with you
    • What we mean by Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour is written in this section
    • You must not behave in any way that causes nuisance, annoyance, alarm or distress at your home or in the locality of your home
    • This section also details terms about harassment, criminal conduct and violence such as:
      • Domestic abuse
      • Drugs
      • Property
      • Parking and vehicles
      • Pets
      • Any specific rules to your estate
  • Recharges

    We may charge you for a repair we have to carry out if it is in relation to:

    • Property condition
    • Garden condition
    • Damage
    • When you move out of your property
  • Ending your tenancy

    You need to give us 4 weeks notice in writing, ending on a Sunday.  If you need help with giving notice please contact us.

    If you are a joint tenant, notice by either one of you will end the tenancy.

    When ending your tenancy, you must make sure:

    • Rent is paid up until end date
    • Nothing is left in premises
    • Property is clean and in good condition including your garden.
    • Everyone has moved out

    Section 10 will tell you how we will consult with you, vary the tenancy agreement and also gives information about complaints and the rights of third parties.

    Appendix of the tenancy agreement gives all the grounds for possessions – how we would take steps to evict you from your home. You should seek advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau, a solicitor or housing advice centre if you receive a notice seeking possession from us or require further information.

    Signature – by signing the agreement you are agreeing to all of the terms and should make sure you understand this in full.

We hope you enjoy your One Vision Housing home and if you need to contact us can do this through My Account or by calling us on 0300 365 1111.

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This page was last updated on 20/06/2024