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Safeguarding is the term we use for how we will keep the most vulnerable people in our communities safe from harm.

We have clear and effective policies to ensure our homes and communities are safe and secure. We ensure that we adhere to legislation and work effectively with partner agencies to address any safeguarding concerns.

We are committed to keeping our customers safe and protected from any kind of abuse and neglect. One Vision Housing (OVH) recognises the harmful effect that abuse and neglect has not just on the victim, but also on their families and the wider community.

Whenever we suspect that abuse is taking place or we are informed about safeguarding concerns, we will work closely with other agencies to ensure victims are supported and appropriate action is taken against those responsible.

  • For adults (18 years old or over), this means:
    • The misuse of power by one person over another, which has a large impact on a person’s independence and health and wellbeing
    • Likely to prevent a person (who may be dependent on others for their basic needs) exercising choice and control over the fundamental aspects of their life. This can cause humiliation and loss of dignity
  • For children (under 18 years old), this means:
    • protecting children from maltreatment, whether that is within or outside the home, including online
    • preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
    • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
    • Sexual abuse by adults or children, also referred to as child sexual exploitation, is when a child is forced or persuaded to take part in sexual activities with or without physical contact (could be online)

Types of abuse

  • Physical

    Physical abuse may or may not cause physical injury. It can include pushing, shaking, pinching, slapping, punching, kicking, burning, scalding, drowning or suffocating.

    Warning signs: There may be bruising, or other injuries or sudden changes in behaviour.

  • Sexual

    Sexual abuse can include making inappropriate comments, signs and gestures, unwanted sexual contact or coercing people into watching pornographic material. It’s also any sexual act with a person who has not provided consent, has been pressured into consenting or is incapable of providing consent.

    Warning signs: There may be bruising, or other injuries or sudden changes in behaviour.

  • Neglect

    Neglect is the failure (deliberate or unintentional) to provide help or support that is necessary to carry out activities of daily living or meeting basic physical and/or psychological needs.

    Warning signs: Poor physical condition, weight loss, dehydration, poor condition of accommodation, inadequate or dirty clothing.

  • Psychological or emotional

    This may include threats of harm or abandonment, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, cyber bullying, isolation to take away a vulnerable person’s choices.

    For children, it may be persistent emotional ill treatment conveying that they are worthless or unloved.

    Warning signs: Freedom of movement may be restricted, they may be denied access to aids such as glasses, hearing aids or appear frightened or subdued.

  • Modern Slavery

    Is defined as slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude.

    Warning signs: transport arriving at the same time of day/night to drop off/pick people up and overcrowding of homes by people who are not family members.

  • Domestic abuse

    Is defined as, any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality.

    Warning signs:  You may hear arguments, fighting, children crying and damage being made to a property. You may see someone with physical injuries.

  • Self-neglect

    Covers a wide range of behaviour to care for one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings and includes behaviour such as hoarding.

    Warning Signs: poor physical or mental health, concerns that someone is not looking after themselves properly.

Other types of abuse

This could include discriminatory abuse, whereby someone is targeted because of a disability or perceived vulnerability.

Institutional abuse may involve a forced schedule of activities against a person’s preferred lifestyle.

Financial abuse may involve the exploitation or inappropriate use of a person’s finances.

How do you report abuse?

If you feel you are a victim of abuse or may know someone who is, don’t hesitate to report it.

You can report abuse or suspected abuse to:

  • The police
  • Health and social care professionals (e.g. a social worker, nurse or doctor)
  • Organisations listed in the ‘Useful contacts’ section within this booklet
  • Your Neighbourhood Services Officer or a member of our staff by
    calling 0300 365 1111

How will we support you?

If we suspect abuse is taking place, we are duty bound to pass on this information to the appropriate local authority to investigate and take further action.

If you report abuse direct to us, we will:

  • Listen to you and take your concerns seriously
  • Treat all information you provide us with confidentially
  • Keep you informed of any action we are going to take
  • Provide you with support and advice
  • Take any necessary steps to ensure you are not in immediate danger from harm

We will assess these standards by:

  • Training our frontline staff to ensure that they can respond to safeguarding disclosures
  • Monitoring and logging all correspondence
  • Keeping a record of any reported incidents and our response
What if the abuse involves a member of OVH staff?

If you believe the abuse you are suffering or have witnessed involves a member of OVH staff, call the Independent Living Team on 0300 365 1111.

Useful contacts

Reaching out for help can sometimes feel difficult, but we’re here to help you access the support you need. Details of support in your area can be found below and listed within our Victim Support Directory. 

Support for adults

  • Sefton Council
  • Liverpool City Council
    • If a person is at immediate risk of harm contact the police on 709 6010.If you need to report an urgent safeguarding concern and believe that an individual is at serious risk of harm which will require a response within 48 hours, please call adult social care on 0151 459 2606.
  • Wirral Council
    • Should you have any immediate safeguarding concerns, please contact the Integrated Front Door immediately on 0151 606 2008 or if out of office hours on 0151 677 6557.
  • Cheshire East
  • Cheshire West
    • 01606 275099 or Out of Hours –01244 977 277
  • St Helens
    • Duty Team Via Contact Cares: 01744 676767 from 9am until 9pm (option 1 for Contact Cares, option 2 for EDT). Direct line: 0345 0500 148
  • Lancashire
    • Social Care – Emergency Duty Team 0300 123 6722  – Social Care 0300 123 6720. Safeguarding Adults: 0300 123 6721
  • Warrington
    • Contact our One Front Door team on 01925 443322 or outside of office hours contact us via 01925 444400
  • Knowsley
  • Wigan
  • Wyre
    • If you need an urgent response please call: 01905 768053.

Support for children

  • Sefton Council
    • Child Referral: on 0345 140 0845. Out of hours urgent cases: on 0151 934 3555 or Head to sefton.gov.uk Click on ‘I want to… report concerns of a child’ Click on ‘Information for professionals’ Download and complete the ‘MASH Referral Form’ Email the completed form to: socialcare.customeraccessteam@sefton.gov.uk
  • Liverpool City Council
    • 0151 459 2606 to raise a concern about a child at risk (if a child is at immediate risk call 101 or 999 in an emergency).
  • Wirral Council
    • Should you have any immediate safeguarding concerns, please contact the Integrated Front Door immediately on 0151 606 2008 or if out of office hours on 0151 677 6557.
  • Cheshire East
  • Cheshire West
    • 01606 275099 Out of Hours – 01244 977 277
  • St Helens
    • 01744 676767 option 2 during office hours or EDT outside working hours on 0345 050 0148. For non-urgent advice (when all the above has been considered/ completed) email MASH@sthelens.gov.uk
  • Lancashire
    • If there are immediate safeguarding concerns to the child call 0300 123 6720 or out of hours 0300 123 6722.
  • Warrington
    • Report any safeguarding concerns about a child or during office hours on 01925 443322. Outside of office hours call us on 01925 443322 and press option 2 to go through to our out of hours service
  • Knowsley
  • Wigan
  • Wyre

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This page was last updated on 10/12/2024