Domestic abuse
Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse. Here at One Vision Housing we recognise the different types of abuse that can occur in various contexts. Reports highlight that the most prevalent type of domestic abuse occurs in relationships but is also known to involve family members.
As an investor in people and our communities we support our customers in a non-judgemental way to help them seek the advice and guidance required to ensure they are safe and secure in their own home.
We urge anyone who thinks they are currently affected by domestic abuse to contact ourselves, the police or a registered charity for support.
At One Vision Housing we pledge to:
- Ensure that customers experiencing domestic abuse can access the relevant support services as early as possible and are provided with advice to allow them to make choices about their next step
- Support those who are currently or previously experienced abuse to rebuild their lives by working in partnership with the customer and external support agencies
- Follow the relevant Child / Adult Safeguarding procedures if we believe a child or adult is at risk due to an abusive relationship
We’ve pledged to Make a Stand to take action against Domestic Abuse. Alongside other housing providers we want to help combat domestic abuse and provide safe homes for our customers and their families.
A list of organisations and their contact details who can support individuals and families affected by domestic abuse:
Sefton Women's and Children's Aid
A free and confidential support for women, young people and children throughout the borough of Sefton.
0151 394 1400 /
Sefton Independent Domestic Violence Advocate Service
A service provided for those being affected by domestic abuse throughout Sefton.
0151 934 5142
Sefton Domestic Abuse Service
Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm
A local helpline for anyone affected by domestic abuse
0151 394 1400
Liverpool Domestic Abuse Service
A free, independent and confidential service for those suffering with domestic abuse.
0800 084 2744
Mobile/text for hard of hearing 07923 232 327
Merseyside Domestic Abuse Service
Formally known as Chrysalis, the service provides support for women, children and young people being affected by domestic abuse.
07802 722703
Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub
A hub for information, consultation, referral and triage for families affected by domestic abuse.
0300 123 5101
Women's Aid
A 24 hour freephone service providing national domestic abuse support.
0808 2000 247
Rights of Women
Advice surrounding family law, supporting those who are experiencing or have previously experienced domestic abuse.
0207 251 6575
The National Centre for Domestic Violence
A free and fast emergency service for victims of domestic abuse regardless of circumstances.
0800 970 2070
Text NCDV to 60777
Respect Men's Advice Line
A helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse.
0808 801 0327
Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline, run by Refuge
Refuge is an independent, specialist charity that supports women fleeing domestic abuse and other forms of gender-based violence.
0808 2000 247
The Deaf Health Charity
To make a referral or an enquiry, please contact:
Deaf people can contact us directly for advice or support below:
Monday-Friday 9.30am-4.30pm
SMS : 07800 003421More information at:
Domestic Abuse A4 poster_SignHealth_online_version
Suzy Lamplugh Trust
Information about reporting stalking or harassment
National Stalking Helpline 0808 802 0300
Savera UK is working to end “honour”-based abuse and all harmful practices
0800 107 0726 helpline
Clare’s law (Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme)
A police run scheme that lets you or anyone else formally request or receive usually confidential information about a romantic partner’s criminal history
Women's Aid
Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children.
The Paul Lavelle Foundation
The Paul Lavelle Foundation charity was registered in April 2018 with the intention of raising awareness to male domestic abuse through sports and outdoor activities.
Their confidential helpline is available for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK as well as their friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues and employers.
We provide an information and signposting service to men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wife, partner (including same-sex partner) or husband. This can range from physical violence or object throwing to abuse such as constant bullying or insults.
The police support the individuals and families affected by domestic abuse. The police is contactable through an emergency and non-emergency telephone number.