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Register For My Account
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Please read the text below and tick the box to say you have read and agree to the declaration.
We will only process the given personal data of all applicants for the purpose of processing your application for housing and will hold information in accordance with data protection laws including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.
We may also share this information for the same purposes with other organisations that handle public funds. The information may be used for statistical surveys, which means we may pass this information in confidence to the Department for Communities and Local Government and agencies working on our and their behalf who may contact you.
All information you give us on this form (and information resulting from contact with your Landlord and/or employer) may be shared with the same only in relation to this application.
All information will be treated in the strictest confidence. We reserve the right to take up any references relating to applicants as we consider it necessary and may also search the files of any credit reference agency which we will keep a record of any such request.
We must protect the public funds we handle and so may use the information you have provided on this form to prevent and detect fraud. Under data protection law the information may be disclosed for the purposes of crime prevention and detection. Sensitive personal data such as racial or ethnic origin, offences (including alleged offences) and physical and mental disabilities are required under the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Statute.
By ticking this box you confirm that you have read the above declaration and that all the information you have provided in your application is true and accurate.
The data we collect will only be used for the purpose of assessing your application for our Rent to Buy product to determine your eligibility. If you subsequently decide not to proceed with this application, you can contact us to have your information removed. Please refer to our Privacy Notice.
This page was last updated on 06/04/2023