Repairs service standards
As your landlord, we have a legal duty to carry out certain repairs and services when needed. We will:
- Adhere to agreed repairs timescales as set out in our policy.
- Carry out required safety checks, including gas servicing and fixed electrical inspections.
- Provide customers with an appointment at the earliest opportunity.
- Ensure there are a range of means available for customers to report a repair.
- Acknowledge customer repair requests that have been logged by email or letter, within 48 hours.
- Use customers preferred contact details, wherever possible.
- Use SMS text messaging where customers have requested this service, to provide updates on repair appointments.
- Investigate complaints of poor workmanship and resolve any quality issues.
Our operatives will:
- Wear photographic identification when visiting a customer’s home.
- Make reasonable adjustments for customers who may have a vulnerability or additional need.
- Attend appointments as agreed and allocated times (AM = 08:00 -12:00 / PM = 12:00 – 16:30).
- Call customer’s ahead of attending an appointment, and advise of any unexpected delays.
- Explain how long they expect works will take to complete and how it will affect the customer.
- Provide a clear explanation to customers of any follow on works required.
- Where possible, provide a convenient follow-up appointment before leaving the customer’s home.
- Treat customers and their homes with respect, using appropriate covers and screening.
We will assess our service standards by:
- Reporting on the number of repairs completed on time
- Reporting on the number of appointments made and kept
- Reporting on the number of gas safety checks carried out
- Maintaining an asbestos register for our properties
- Keeping a record for all aids and adaptations and the progress made
- Inspecting a sample of repairs to ensure a quality service
- Conducting customer surveys to get your views on the speed and quality of the work carried out and reporting on the results in our annual Value for Money report