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Think Fire Safety: Smoke alarm testing

Published: 1/3/2021

Smoke alarms save lives, but only if they work.

This month Merseyside Fire and Rescue is encouraging everyone to make fire safety a priority by ensuring they have enough smoke alarms in the home and that they work. It only takes a few seconds and saves lives. Smoke alarms can give someone the few extra seconds they need to escape in a fire. While the majority of homes across the country now have an alarm fitted, most people are not aware that the average alarm has a lifespan of just ten years and then needs replacing.

Test yours at least monthly to make sure they are in good working order.

  • The easiest way to protect your home and family from fire is with working smoke alarms – get them, install them, test them. They could save your life.
  • Fit at least one on every level of your home and test them monthly.
  • Ten-year sealed battery smoke alarms are the best option. They are slightly more expensive, but you save on the cost of replacing batteries.
  • If it is a ten-year alarm, you will need to replace the whole alarm every ten years.
  • Never disconnect your alarms or take the batteries out if it goes off by mistake.
  • The ideal position to install an alarm is on the ceiling in the middle of a room and on the hallway and landing so you can hear an alarm throughout your home.
  • Don’t put alarms in or near kitchens or bathrooms where smoke or steam can set them off by accident.  If it is difficult for you to fit smoke alarms yourself, contact your local fire and rescue service for help.

If you have any problems with your smoke alarm please call One Vision Housing – 0300 365 1111

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This page was last updated on 20/04/2021