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Keeping community spirit alive in Netherton

Published: 5/4/2021

Recently we provided support to two popular organisations in the Netherton community – the Netherton Park Neighbourhood Centre and the Netherton Park Bowling Green and Social Club.

Netherton Park Neighbourhood Centre provides a safe and fun environment for members of the community to learn, play and socialise together.

While not able to offer a space to socialise in person during lockdown, the centre has worked to support the local community during this time by continuing to get food, cleaning supplies, clothes and other essential items to those who need it most.

Earlier this year, we donated a selection of office furniture to the centre as part of their recent renovations. The furniture donations will help the centre to bring the community together when it’s safe to do so.

Marie Savin Bonsall, Centre Manager of Netherton Park Neighbourhood Centre, said:

“Thanks to organisations like One Vision Housing we are able to operate and deliver essential services to the Netherton community. The office furniture donations will improve the way we operate by making us more efficient and allowing us to do even more for the community.”

The Netherton Park Bowling and Social Club plays an important role in the Netherton community, not just because it offers valuable exercise opportunities, but also because it promotes a friendly and welcoming space for the local community to meet new friends and tackle social isolation.

Playing bowls has given members who are bereaved or just find themselves socially isolated, an opportunity to make new friends while being outdoors and exercising.

During lockdown the club was forced to close and without members’ dues coming in there was a shortfall in income resulting in the green not being kept good condition, essential to play bowls.

Through our Community Development Fund we were able to donate funds which have kept the bowling green in perfect condition.

In addition, we partnered with fellow Sovini Group members Sovini Trade Supplies, to donate and fit a kitchen and storage cupboards, vital to the reopening of the club.

James Harding of the Netherton Park Bowling and Social Club, had this to say:

We would like to thank One Vision Housing for their generous donation. Our club gives the community a unique opportunity to get outside and meet people while playing a game of bowls. With the funds received we were able to keep the green in perfect condition which meant we could reopen to the community as soon as we were allowed to do so.

Anyone interested in joining the Netherton Park Bowling and Social Club is encouraged to contact Jim Harding (Chair) on 07733254480.

This page was last updated on 13/06/2024