Have your say!
Published: 3/11/2020
Have your say on how social housing is given to residents
Property Pool Plus are asking for people to comment on the suggested changes for how social housing is given to people.
You can tell them what you think by completing a survey. An easy-read version of the survey is also available. This includes a summary of the suggested changes.
About this survey
Property Pool Plus is the system used to match people with social housing and housing associations across the Liverpool City Region use this scheme to share details of properties they have available to rent. Some accredited private landlord properties are also advertised.
Property Pool Plus is used across local authorities in the region. These include:
- Halton Borough Council
- Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council
- Liverpool City Council
- Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council
- Wirral Council
The following groups are invited to have their say on the proposed changes:
- Social housing tenants
- people who have applied (or may apply) for social housing
- people who are on a housing waiting list
- landlords
- voluntary organisations
- housing associations
What are the proposed changes?
The suggested changes will affect how social housing is allocated. If agreed, these changes will affect the entire local authority area.
For more information on the proposed changes, view the Policy and Procedure Document.
When can people have their say?
The consultation will last for 12 weeks, between Wednesday 18 November 2020 and Wednesday 10 February 2021.