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Building a Better Future with our new EDI Group

Published: 5/1/2025

One Vision Housing’s commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) continued this week with our first Customer Voice Team’s EDI Group. Focusing on our customers’ experiences, we gained essential feedback to help shape our services so they work for all of them.

What does EDI mean to our customers?

We were delighted with the turnout, with customers from our high-rise schemes, bungalows, and houses sharing their unique perspectives. Attendees provided valuable insights into their experiences with One Vision Housing’s services, highlighting both successes and areas where barriers exist.

One customer shared what EDI means to them:

“To respect people and their differences – everyone in Cygnet House comes from different backgrounds, but everyone treats each other respectfully. The more people hear about EDI, the more they will recognise it and get involved in groups, as they will not be afraid to do so.”

The Customer Voice Team shared information on existing systems, training, and programmes designed to support customers with EDI needs. Alongside shared details of our Fair Access to Services outcomes.

Suggested Improvements

Customers were invited to critique and offer suggestions for improvements. Suggestions included holding EDI meetings within one of the schemes to increase accessibility and attendance. Another suggestion was displaying copies of the Customer Voice Newsletter on notice boards in schemes and high-rises to increase readership and encourage engagement. This feedback is crucial as we strive to improve our services for our customers.

Making a positive impact

We ended the session with a fun and educational introduction to the British Sign Language alphabet. We hope this will help build more inclusive communities by giving customers some of the tools they need to communicate with people who are deaf or have hearing impairments.

One attendee shared a touching statement of their delight with our schemes:

“All my life I have struggled with people not understanding my disability, I felt when I was in my previous home, my life was being lived for me via my carers. Now, being a One Vision Housing customer within a scheme has changed my life and I now feel I can live the way I want to live.”

We recognise the positive impact our services have on our customers’ lives, and this reinforces our commitment to creating opportunities and changing lives.

Interested in being a part of our new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group?

If you are interested in having your voice heard and shaping our services, register your interest HERE.

This page was last updated on 31/01/2025