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Which pipes are you responsible for?

Homes across the UK commonly have three plumbing systems – potable water, sanitary and stormwater drainage. Some of these systems equate to over 65 metres of pipe, which is the same as six telephone poles.

With pipes hidden away from view inside your home and under the ground, it’s important to know who is responsible for their upkeep, including you!

Who is responsible for pipes, gutters, and drains?

Pipes, gutters, and drains in and around your home remain your responsibility, including drains within the boundary of your property.

Shared drains are common in apartments, terraces, and semi-detached homes. If your drain meets together with a neighbour’s, before it reaches the public sewer, this will be United Utilities responsibility.

Who is responsible for public sewers?

United Utilities are responsible for large public sewers that take wastage and rainwater run-off to specialist treatment centres, including the waste from your home.

Who is responsible for road gutters/gullies?

Your local council is responsible for the small grate-covered openings (road gullies) at the edge of roads. If you are worried about a potential blockage, find out who your local authority is online and contact them.

For more support, contact the One Vision Housing team who will be happy to help.

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This page was last updated on 20/01/2022