Value for money
We are committed to being one of the best registered providers in the country, providing excellent value for money (VfM) in the services we offer to our customers and optimising the use of our assets and resources to meet our objectives within our Value for Money Strategy as well as ensuring we achieve One Vision Housing’s VfM Strategy 2024.
1. Maximising our social value
We aim to make a positive impact in our communities and wider society.
2. Best use of our assets and resources
We will aim to provide safe and sustainable homes that people want to live in.
3. Collaboration through self-delivery
We will aim to use customer voice to help shape, deliver and improve our services.
4. Regulatory compliance and customer involvement
We will aim to meet Regulatory and Legislative requirements whilst managing and mitigating risks.
5. Maximising opportunities through procurement
We will aim to deliver value for money and excellent services to benefit the organisation and customers.
6. Excellent performance and customer satisfaction
We will aim to develop excellent people that feel proud to work for us.
7. Excellent Performance and Customer Satisfaction
We will aim to provide value for money to satisfy customers and stakeholders expectations.
Our achievements
Since 2006, we have saved £142 million through efficiencies.

In 2023/24, we...
Invested £50.53m in upgrading existing homes, achieved £4m in operational savings, delivered 162 new homes, contributed £76m to our local communities, and secured a 92.8% customer satisfaction rating.

In 2023/24, we...
Created 166 new jobs across The Sovini Group and offered two traditional apprenticeships at One Vision Housing, providing employment opportunities for local residents. Our colleagues have also dedicated 2,691 hours to professional development, enhancing their skills and improving the customer experience.

In 2023/24, we...
Broke ground on two new developments to investing £31.1 million in improving existing homes, we are achieving our mission of creating a better future for our communities.
How we report on value for money
Every year we produce a self-assessment and statutory accounts that detail our approach to value for money, achievements and future plans.